Picture of TREX® VINYL CAPPED 2nd Generation Corte-Cleaned® Composite Deck from Reviews.io testimonial.
Buy Corte-Clean Composite Deck Cleaner

Before & After Customer Pictures. 



Corte-Clean® was designed to be used from the time composites are new “at least twice yearly, spring and fall, or when stains appear”; or a bare minimum of semi-annually as recommended by most composite manufacturers. Failure to properly thoroughly clean new composites made from exposed wood fibers of what is known as “tannin bleeding”, & especially those additionally made from exposed dirty recycled plastic (milk jugs, shrink wrap, cheese wrappers, etc.), of this & other dead organic dirty matter that lands on composites, especially before they receive moisture can result in stains from molds, mildews, lichens, mosses & algae & rapidly re-occurring stains, if not thoroughly properly initially & proactively routinely Corte-Cleaned®; especially if previously neglected, or scientifically unproven sodium hypochlorite based cleaners have been previously used. Once composites are thoroughly Corte-Cleaned® of their inherent flaw(s) and/or the numerous problems caused by neglect or the previous use of other cleaners, proactively routinely using Corte-Clean®, at the reduced “routine cleaning” strength, to remove new stains & stain causing derbies before they become deeply embedded is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Generally, the more routinely Corte-Clean® is initially applied, by following its label directions, less & less Corte-Clean®is mixed with water & applied at a lower strength, the more time, labor & money is generally ultimately saved. Many customers that properly use Corte-Clean® end up purchasing 1/2 or less to keep composites clean (example: if it takes two bags of Corte-Clean® to initially clean a nasty neglected or previously chlorine bleached deck, it generally only requires one bag to maintain it on a twice yearly, Spring & Fall, basis.) When properly initially done, composites are known to stay clean for longer periods of time; sometimes years.


BEFORE – 18 Year Old Never Been Cleaned Wood & Plastic Composite Deck With Common Grease, Oil, Rust, Tannin, BBQ & Black Mold Stains.

AFTER – Same Composite Deck Cleaned Back to original Color from Customer Verified Testimonial on Reviews.IO

 Those that procrastinate or have previously used chlorine bleach or other sodium hypochlorite based products in an attempt to clean molds or other fungi, especially on a routine basis, while potentially dangerously corroding structural metal decking hardware resulting in rust stains and/or have excessively chlorine bleached the color of composites; generally spend more to initially Corte-Clean® & need to initially Corte-Clean® more often to thoroughly clean deep stains in porous composites. Unfortunately, it’s likely going to generally initially cost more time, labor & money to thoroughly Corte-Clean® due to the need to “repeat” the application process while using Corte-Clean® at higher strengths to thoroughly clean stains, tannin’s & dirty recycled plastic while restoring the weathered original color of composites. If you are going to be cheap with your expensive composite deck, & not buy enough Corte-Clean® to thoroughly clean the composites, or not follow its label directions, please do not buy our proven product, as you likely won’t be a happy customer. If you’ve read this far, you likely know you are dealing with a serious industry wide generally self inflicted known problem which has likely been previously exacerbated by what is known in the decking & mold remediation industry as “THE CHLORINE BLEACH SCAM” among professionals! Unfortunately, composite manufacturers have been complicit in promoting this scam to their customers while often recommending products be used against their label directions, many of which weren’t designed or labeled to clean composites at all & should never be used together due to the risk of poisoning! If Corte-Clean® won’t get your composites clean & help them stay clean for generally longer, at generally ultimately a lower cost, it’s likely nothing will. Save yourself time, labor & money, choose & routinely use Corte-Clean®, preferably before composites receive moisture resulting in deeply root or saturate stains; or when stains are first noticed.





Corte-Clean® does not have all the additional costs, risks & time related to expensively purchasing & laboriously applying multiple perceived in-expensive non-compatible chemical products to clean specific stains.


You won’t need to purchase & use one or more products for cleaning mold stains, especially those that contain sodium hypochlorite, the active biocide in chlorine bleach, which reputable mold remediation professionals & organizations, such as the EPA & OSHA DO NOT RECOMMEND for MOLD.


A 2nd product such as oxalic acid, known as a “wood brightener” which isn’t known to resolve “tannin bleeding”, can be additionally corrosive to screws, nails & joist hangers, requiring expensive early replacement, known to void these products warranties & can produce highly toxic poisonous gas if used in conjunction with sodium hypochlorite.


A 3rd product for grease & oil, most commonly from the barbecue (BBQ), which are generally not compatible with sodium hypochlorite or other chemicals because these products generally contain ammonia & can release toxic poisonous gas as disclosed by OSHA!


You won’t need to purchase & apply a 4th expensive laborious product to seal composites, which can exacerbate cleaning issues by sealing in fungi & stains, or 5th product to remove the sealer when they begin to generally rapidly weather off/crack & look ugly, especially when fungi grows underneath!


Corte-Clean® has been proven to restore some of the original color of some composites previously chlorine bleached with sodium hypochlorite based products, especially those products for mold, which are recommended & used against these biocides label directions, to routinely clean polyethylene (PE) plastic even though their label directions state they are intended to be used only on “vinyl” (PVC) plastics resulting in infamously excessively bleaching/fading or what composite manufacturers disclose under weathering, the 2nd biggest complaint in the composite decking industry, right after mold.


In addition to cleaning problimatic polyethelene (PE) based plastic composites, Corte-Clean® has been successfully used since 2006 to routinely clean & keep composites clean made from polypropylene (PP), such as Correct Deck® & poly vinyl chloride (PVC) plastics such as; Certainteed® Boardwalk, Ameri-Deck®, Procell® (now AZEK® which acquired TimberTech®), VEKAdeck® & more generally at a greatly reduced strength.*

(See verified testimonials on REVIEWS.io!)


Above is a picture of the newer generation PVC “CAPPED& PE / WOOD core composite decking that appears to have grown black mold in-between. This is becoming an increasingly common problem in the composite decking industry. Corte*Clean® likely won’t clean this issue because it can’t penetrate the non-porous PVC outer layer shell, except on the end cuts & where the screw holes are located; as pictured. Unfortunately, this is likely where moisture is initially entering the core, allowing the mold to grow in the first place.


The information on this web site should be carefully considered. It will help guide you to why Corte-Clean® is the single cost-effective proven solution for cleaning & routinely keeping generally longer lasting expensive composite decks, docks, & fences clean of all common stains; not just those caused by molds.


Corte-Clean® customers can SAVE up to $2,000 +/- every 300 Sq. Ft.

over 30 years, the expected life-cycle of most composites, however most will last double that?!**

**See 2 of the largest composite manufacturer cleaning chemical recommendation price comparisons (CLICK HERE)!


Corte*Clean® Instructional Video

(Click Here)

Buy Corte-Clean Composite Deck Cleaner



*Note: Brand names are trademarks of their respected owners.


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