Hi: Customer in Half Moon Bay with the glass problem. Yes, the Noxon does cut the Corte-Clean off the glass (with LOTS of elbow grease ) but with the teak rail above the glass and with lots of fog every night, the glass was streaked all over again in just a week! Your answer about neutralizing with Oxalic Acid worked like a charm…and no rubbing! Oxalic acid is used for wood bleaching old wood decks. (doesn’t work very well) I sprayed it on the teak (full strength, not cut 1/5 as specified) and also the glass below. The glass immediately was horrible! But I could tell by rubbing that this was just the reaction between Corte Clean and the acid. I let it sit for 30 minuets, re sprayed the glass because it dried and shot all with a hose. I then washed the glass with dishwasher soap and let dry…PERFECT! I did twenty panels this way and it worked great….only 50 left to go but I am going to skip the Noxon and go straight to the Oxalic acid. For big jobs, where its hard to cover everything or where there is wood over glass railing, I would recommend that customers keep the Oxalic acid handy. While Corte Clean does an excellent job on Trex and teak…it can create a mess bigger than the dirty deck, especially with it’s ability to “keep on cleaning” when dampened! Thanks for the help, T. Chatham